This page has been set up to inform you all about a project that I personally hope will suceed. A short while age I recieved an email from Kevin, the webmaster of The Spice Club, the email read this:
Dear Spicy webmasters, I have a proposal for all of you to build a site for all the Spice Girls sites in the world wide web namely the "United Spice Girls Websites". Its aim is to have a single page for the Spice Girls webmasters. In unity, we can build an official webmasters-only site for the Spice Girls. Each of you will be assigned for a duty. E.g., one of you will be assigned for the links page, one of you will beassigned for the news page, one of you will be assigned for thewebdesign, etc..... Please contact me and if you know a Spice Girls webmaster/mistress who have a Spice Girls page, please forward or tell this to him/her. It will be a sort of a club for webmasters/mistresses. Please help me here. Let all the spicy webpage makers unite! You'll just know someday, this will be a benefit. Of course all of our sites will be linked here.Anyway, these will be the jobs you can have of choose from: There are 6 teams here. These are The Spice Girls (whole group) team, the Baby Spice team, the Scary Spice team, the Sporty Spice team, the Posh Spice team, and the Ginger Spice team. Each team must
have these. Beside them are the no. of webmasters who can
be on the certain job. For each team, there will be the Team President and Vice President. I AM THE ONE to assign those. Please tell me what you would be on and the job you would take or moderate. Contact me in ICQ #35285784 or in AOL Instant Messenger Screen name: Kevinpogi. You can get one or more jobs, but be sure you can handle all those! Tell me what job must be added or something like that. After you tell me that, I'll just tell you what your job will be like. Please, don't leave the artist or the designer job. We can't just leave those! Those two are the second most important people on each team! So please, if you really are good and talented, please show it. Share them! Please choose the one that fits you! Don't just guess what you should choose! An minimun of two jobs you must have. Don't be lazy. If you'll submit what job you like, introduce yourself, tell me your homepage and what site are you maintaining (the title). So I can check it out and see if you can be a president or vice president of the team. Again, I hope you would help me. Please. Thank you. Please forward this message to a Spice Girl webmaster/mistress not listed here. Please pass it. KevinSpice Club
Webmaster Note: If you forward this email, be sure to remove the Fwd: in the subject line. This will help a lot! You know, just to let the webmasters know that this is not a chain letter! Just like me, whenever I see those letters in the subject, I won't even dare to read it! Please. |
If this site went ahead it would be the most advanced page in the world, with all it's authors working for a cause that they have a passion for. The site would be the most famous Spice Girls site in the world. I urge people to take part in this great opportunity.
To become apart of this please contact Kevin (not me!), though either email, icq, or aol instant messenger using the contact details given above.
Also, it would be great if you could forward the above email to as many Spicy webmasters as you know, or even friends who love the Spice Girls, we want everyone!!!
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